Paula Fry Wins CountryMark's Petroleum Professional of the Year
Nov 26, 2021
The fact that some of the best employees in the industry spend their days working for Co-Alliance is not lost on us. We find it a privilege to work alongside them, those who bring the greatest to the table. We aspire to be a premier employer to those who diligently do their best for our shareholders.
Paula Fry is without a doubt one of those employees who delivers.

That’s why we nominated Paula for 2021 Petroleum Professional of the Year, an award recognized throughout the entire CountryMark system. This award recognizes a hard-working individual who has gone above and beyond in their job duties to make an impact on their company, community and the energy industry.

This week we share with you our nomination of Paula, who is an Energy Administrative Assistant Supervisor located in our Avon office, so you can learn more about her, as well as the video compiled by her teammates to commend her on a job so well done.
Co-Alliance Cooperative is incredibly fortunate to have Paula Fry as an employee in our energy department. The last year has offered a tremendous learning curve and transformation after merging with Harvest Land. Paula has been instrumental in navigating the merger process and organizing things in such a way that our energy team can operate as efficiently as possible. She is proactive in addressing individuals’ needs, determining a plan, and meeting that need for employees throughout our energy division. She brings our company together regardless of scope.
Paula could easily be defined as someone who is honest, driven, and dependable. These characteristics are what drive her to be someone that values accountability and is passionate about her job. It’s easy to say that she is the glue that holds the energy division together. When we were merging, she took it upon herself to introduce herself and build relationships with both organizations, so they had a familiar face to engage with at events. She is supportive of other employees and knows how to be inviting towards others in the industry, as well as towards customers that need assistance.
During our busy seasons you can find her helping in areas that are beyond her job title. She always lends a helping hand wherever necessary. For example, she is always willing to help fill in for transport dispatch during the fall harvest season. This is an extremely crucial time for our energy team. She has also been beneficial in helping to cater to our marketing team as they have brought in a new role that focuses on energy marketing.
She is very active with her family in 4-H. From Livestock shows to and farming her support for her daughters’ ambitions are very apparent. She is very well known throughout the cooperative energy business as a tremendous source of advice and insight.

Paula’s greatest achievement in 2020-2021 has been her tireless efforts in merging two cultures, energy businesses and countless processes. She has handled it all with grit and grace, and because of her work we’re on the right road, together.

Anytime Co-Alliance has acquisitions or mergers, Paula is instrumental on behalf of the energy division before, during, and after the transition. She is very proactive and key in bringing new people to the Co-Alliance family and making them comfortable as part of our team.

Thank you, Paula, for always delivering on communication that serves others,
being a team player and an encourager to all you encounter.