Co-Alliance Cooperative, Inc. Celebrates One Year

Feb 04, 2022
When it comes to celebrating milestones, We Deliver. 

On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 Co-Alliance Cooperative, Inc. celebrated our first birthday, a significant date for our cooperative business and its member-owners. We've had a great first year! No doubt, one full of hard work, big transitions and committed employees. While we weren't able to spend the day physically together, we did celebrate with a company-wide virtual Town Hall, birthday cookies and another day with work to be done. 

Everyone deserves a great first birthday, and we are grateful for employees, partners and member-owners who wished our business well on this milestone. Take a look!


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$1 | 000 | 2023 | 4H | 4-H | 4R | Ag | agriculture | agronomy | America | American | application | Applicator | approval | ARA | auger | award | back | balance | bank | benefits | bin | bio | career | careers | Centered | Ceres | challenges | check | Co-Alliance | college | community | conservation | contest | convention | co-op | cooperative | corporate | cost | Council | CountryMark | countyfair | Cultivated | customers | Day | deliver | Department | destruction | dogs | donation | driver | education | Elite | employee | energy | engagement | entrapment | entry | experience | extension | family | farm | farmer | farmer-owned | fertilizer | FFA | financial | Fire | first | food | For | force | freedom | Ft. | fuel | fueling | full-time | give | giving | grain | greenhouse | groceries | grower | growth | Guard | Harvest | high | history | home | hunger | hungry | Indiana | Intern | interns | Internships | investment | job | Keystone | Land | leader | leaders | leadership | legal | level | life | local | love | luncheon | members | membership | mentor | mentorship | merger | military | mom | mother | motherhood | Mother's | National | neighbors | nozzle | nurse | of | officer | Officers | O'Lakes | on | opportunities | Opportunity | outreach | panel | pantry | partnership | passion | patronage | perks | planting | podcast | pork | precision | propane | Proud | Pulaski | Purdue | ready | record | regenerative | region | Remington | rescue | responders | reward | Rising | rural | safety | scholarship | school | science | Second | security | SEED | seeds | senior | service | Show | soil | Solutions | spirit | sprayer | spring | Stand | Star | State | statefair | stories | students | success | sunrise | sunset | support | sustainability | teacher | the | Tipton | tornado | trade | tradeshow | training | trip | Up | vocational | volunteer | vote | Wayne | we | weather | week | Why | winner | winners | Women | work | yield | YieldPro | You | youth